Short Story Collections
Every day, truths leap from the pages of scripture to remind us of our deep connection to God. Ancient words written by those long dead still suffuse our hearts and minds with wonder.
Stories and parables, psalms and prophecies have been translated from their original languages so that we might understand how much God wants to be close to us.
Though the stories we know well were told thousands of years ago, humans haven’t changed. We continue to look for grace, hope, joy, love, and redemption. As part of the family of God, we find our best selves when we offer those same things to others.
Heartwarming and filled with love, these stories introduce you to people who might live in your neighborhood, attend your church, work in a nearby cubicle, or be part of your family. The prodigal son, the good Samaritan, the story of Ruth and Naomi, and the transformation found in a verse from Psalm 30, are retold with present day characters and situations.
In this collection, Diane reminds her readers to look beyond a person’s actions. Offer them grace, hope, joy, love, and redemption. You never know when someone might need you as much as you need them.
Abiding Love, Abiding Grace, Abiding Hope, and Abiding Joy. God’s watchfulness never fails. He is always near. He is always faithful.