I have one more chapter to write tonight and the first draft of Book 24 is complete. I am so ready to be finished. When I began writing these stories, one thing that I never wanted to have happen was that the books would be
I have one more chapter to write tonight and the first draft of Book 24 is complete. I am so ready to be finished. When I began writing these stories, one thing that I never wanted to have happen was that the books would be
Yeah … truth. Where have I gone? Head down in story world. Would you believe that one night last week I was dreaming in narrative? Holy moley. Bellingwood has consumed me. The last three months of the year become a bit overwhelming as a book
Doh! Best intentions and all that, you know. Yesterday I was busy doing all the things and dropped into bed last night feeling like I’d conquered my mountain for the day. This morning I woke up and said ‘Doh! You forgot to write your blog
As I wrote the final chapter in Book 20 last night (yeah – I thought I’d just lead with that – voila! I’m right on target), I flashed back to November, 2012. I was eight months from finishing my Master’s Degree and had spent the
This has been a terrific week. Now, to be honest, most weeks are pretty awesome, but the week after I publish a new book is filled with generous words from you and it fills my heart. One difficult thing for me, though, is responding in
I’m in the middle of the first week of re-writes, proofreading, editing, etc. This is great fun for me. As much as I love writing, I love going through the book over and over – hashing out problems I created for myself, remembering things I
The Care and Feeding of Your Favorite Authors A week ago, this post had an entirely different focus. But then, I was coming off a rather intense period of twelve – fourteen hour days and a book release. I might have been more than a
Okay. I’m back. And this time I’m probably going to go a little “Sylvie” on you. You know, the practical, pragmatic, ‘just put it out there and take no prisoners’ Sylvie. Early in September, I wrote a post about why you can’t find detailed character
The last couple of days have been spent with copies of my paperbacks for Book 15. This process of signing, creating labels, invoices, packaging, etc., gets a little intense for a few days. I’m not out of it yet. Tomorrow will bring another trip to
Well, I hate to say it, but there is absolutely nothing going on up there in my mind. That’s not true. There is a lot going on up there, but none of it is interesting enough or sane enough to come together in cohesive sentences
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