Home of the Bellingwood Series – Nammynools

2021 Summer postcard

Life is a Gift – Love is the Way

There are so many things going on in Bellingwood, I keep little notes everywhere. Most are reminders to take care of something. The next big thing is the reminder to write a vignette this week. Best Friends Day is on Tuesday, June 8, and you have to know Lydia, Beryl, and Andy can’t miss celebrating something that important. Keep an eye out.

Have you given me your physical mailing address so you can receive THIS amazing postcard some time in July? Go to https://www.postable.com/dianemuir and fill out the form. I will collect addresses until June 30. I can’t wait to start dropping in to your mailboxes. International readers, please sign up. I have plenty of international stamps!

I still have stickers to sign and mail off to you. All you have to do to receive one is send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to me and I’ll mail it back with some bonus stuff, too until I run out of the bonus stuff. Empty my drawer filled with Bellingwood paraphernalia so I can order different things! My mailing address is Diane Muir, PO Box 4097, Omaha, NE 68104.

Last week was an awesome week. I went to the wound clinic on Thursday to check my progress. Seriously, these are the most amazing people on earth. Kind, compassionate, caring, and excited when they see things moving along well. The abdominal surgical wounds are completely closed now – all healed up. All we have to deal with are the two major pressure wounds – the butt and one on my left knee. The Nurse Practitioner measures the wounds and takes photographs at every visit (about once a month). This time the wounds were half the size as they were when I was last in. The NP tells me the measurements and comparisons, then gives me a half of a beat to say, “Woohoo!” I say it every time. As much as I am NOT fond of doctors, I look forward to visiting this team. From the receptionist to the aides and NPs, they are the most wonderful people and make it an amazing experience.

My sister told me a story this week that I must share. She was driving home on a busy Omaha street after running an errand and saw something strange. A young man on a bicycle was stopped and hunched over a chain link fence in a strange position. As she looked more closely, an elderly woman was on the other side of the fence, her hands on his back. Carol realized that the woman’s head was bowed and she was praying for this boy. Of course, there was no explanation available for any of the actions, but it was an incredibly touching moment on a busy street during rush hour. Carol took a moment to join them in prayer from her car, thankful for the reminder.

Look for those moments – for the wonderful people who make life better for you and for others. Let the negative slip past you and the positive stick to your soul. Find ways to smile and be grateful, ignore opportunities to be annoyed and contrary.

Life is a gift – love is the way.


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