Home of the Bellingwood Series – Nammynools

Business – Not as Usual

Illustration by Bec Schreiber

It’s been business as ‘unusual’ this week. I have NOT been focused on work. Good heavens, I have gotten more normal nights’ sleep than I have in forever. And really long, extended periods of sleep too. Ahhhh, it’s been wonderful. Not so great for my work, but amazing for my sanity.

After my Carol-purge weekend last weekend, I spent time rearranging things in preparation for the next several-year siege. You know … that long period of time when all I do is function as I write. I can hardly wait to drop back into it. Not long now.

There isn’t much exciting life-stuff going on right now … well, other than cleaning, reorganizing, and sorting.

Just a few bits of information from the business part of my world:


Audio Vignettes

Vignettes written during the months I worked on Book 13 – Unexpected Riches are now available on my YouTube channel. I do love reading through these again as my characters show us insight into their own lives. The relationships in Bellingwood are so much deeper than we get to see in one book from Polly’s perspective. So much fun.


Boxed Set #3

The third boxed set – Book 7-9 is available for Kindle right now. These three books really turn the story onto a different track than I’d ever considered at the beginning of this series.


Trivia Night!

Fun times on the Facebook Bellingwood page. Trivia questions, prizes and a chance to chatter about inane and crazy things for an evening.

Friday, September 14th – 6-11 pm – Central time.


Birthday Celebrations

Diane’s Birthday
September 8th

Polly’s Birthday
September 20th

On each of these dates, I will post something early in the morning on the FB Bellingwood page and you’ll have a chance to respond. I haven’t yet decided on what the giveaway will be, but it will be announced in the post. Keep an eye out for something fun.


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