Holy cow, the first draft of Book 23 is done! Now maybe I can get to sleep before four o’clock in the morning. Once I get started, I can’t stop until I’m done with at least a chapter. Some nights, they go really fast, other nights, I have to push words out of my fingers.
I’ve already started through the first round of this week’s edits. This is when I tear the book to pieces and rebuild it. Now, it’s not quite as drastic as that sounds, but in some cases, I’m not far off.
With all of that ahead of me, the big news is that the first draft is written.
No time off for good behavior. There are so many projects on my plate right now that I don’t even have room for dessert.
Newsletter – next week!
Be sure that you are signed up for the newsletter. I have things to tell you. As it does every month, the newsletter will arrive in your inbox on the 25th with fun news from Bellingwood and a vignette to tide you over.
Audio Vignettes!
The audio vignettes for Book 12 – Out of the Shadows are up on YouTube. HERE is the link to my channel there.
Because I’ve been so focused on finishing the book, my life has been quite boring lately. feels like there are a million things going on, but alas, none of them are exciting enough to talk about.
Write, write, write, now hack, slash, edit. This is not exciting stuff. But that the story is done? Oh, that’s darned exciting.
The cats and I are going to have to come up with some a bit more lively, I can tell.