Do you get as much accomplished on your Saturdays as you hope? If you’re my sister, don’t answer that. I tell you what, Carol can jam more work into a short span of time than anyone I know. She says that she’s gotten slower with age, but I’m not seeing it.
Even though it might seem like my life is a long weekend, the truth is, I focus on different things during the weekdays. Mostly because the rest of the world is at work and … well … I trained myself over the course of fifty-plus years to separate weekdays and weekends. Oh, and the rest of you are very different people on Fridays than you are on Mondays. It’s pretty interesting to watch the world wind down about three o’clock on a Friday afternoon.
You stop beating yourselves up, you start talking about fun plans and you relax. Even those of you who work odd shifts treat Fridays differently than you do other days of the week. It’s like you know that Saturday is going to be a good day, no matter what.
So how was your day? Did you do everything you’d hoped to do? Did you do more?
I was going to get so many things accomplished today. Every time I picked up a project that wasn’t on my original list, I had to stop myself. I didn’t get everything done, but I knocked a good chunk of things out. There’s still tomorrow, right? Oh heck, I still have hours left tonight before I go to bed.
Book 16 is well underway. All I can tell you right now is poor Heath. He’s been an idiot. Life is looking down for him today. Tomorrow will be better, but first he has to get through today. Sometimes there is nothing more difficult than growing up. Parents have to take the long view sometimes. Kids are horrible now, but it is amazing how much they actually have been paying attention. About the time you’ve forgotten just how awful they were, you realize that they actually have turned into terrific people. Surprise, surprise.
Okay, I’m going to go kick my embroidery machine in the wheels a little. It made me mad this evening, so I walked away. I’m calm now. Going to try to get one more small project out before I start writing.
Do you love your Saturdays?
Oh … congratulations to Carolina Wilson and Kimberly Story Kreipl – winners of frogs from the post on Grey’s First Anniversary. The prizes will go out to them early next week.