The last couple of days have been spent with copies of my paperbacks for Book 15. This process of signing, creating labels, invoices, packaging, etc., gets a little intense for a few days. I’m not out of it yet. Tomorrow will bring another trip to town with tote bags filled with boxes and packages. My poor postal clerk just gives me that ‘I know it’s my job’ smile when I walk in.
You might be surprised to discover I whine a lot through this process … mostly to the cats. Books are heavy, Books in boxes are heavy and bulky. I have enough arthritis that a day of signing and writing and packaging makes my knuckles hurt.
But the funny thing is, I should never whine. I love my job. Every single part of it. And one of the best parts of packing paperbacks is thinking about each name on the list in front of me as I get things ready to go out.
One of the greatest things about Bellingwood is you. There are some of you who are very active on the Bellingwood page and you have no idea how much I grin when I see your name pop up in my notifications. Whether you leave a comment or simply click the like button, I see you. Now, when we’re in the middle of a big giveaway, I don’t see everyone’s name … that’s a lot of comments and likes. But for the most part, I see you and it makes me smile.
As you get more and more active, I get to know you a little better and it’s fun discovering who you are and what you like. You are all quite unique in how you view the characters in Bellingwood. The things that are important in the series vary from person to person. That’s something that makes this so much fun to write.
So I have a question for you today … which Bellingwood character would you like to have coffee with at Sweet Beans? Don’t pick Polly – she’s not an option. Someone else.
I’m watching. It’ll be fun to see how you respond to this.