We have six winners. Congratulations to you all! Send me an email or private message with your mailing address so I can ship these out early next week. Whee!
Five Amazon ($10) Gift Cards
Raina Battista
Dawn Osborne
Sue Haskell McCreary
Deb Kampschnieder
Christine Broadston
Pat C. Wilson
If you haven’t taken the time to read through these stories – both on the FB page and as comments to the original blog post on the website, you really should. AND, if you have been waiting for the perfect time to tell these stories to your children and grandchildren – don’t wait any longer. These made me laugh and cry and even gasp at the craziness your families have gone through – the things they’ve done and the people they’ve known. These aren’t stories that should be lost.
One thing I was never able to get accomplished was recording my father when he started telling the stories of his family. We lost a lot. And it is so obvious – from all of the people who work on genealogy and family trees – these things are important to us. They give us the foundation for our lives.
I didn’t expect that this little venture would be so profound, but you have certainly given me an amazing gift with your stories. Thank you, thank you! I have learned so much and feel privileged to know you even better.