My brain has been all over the place today. I love Facebook Birthday Greetings, but it gets a little intense.
AND, I’ve been reading stories about your heritage today. You’ve made me laugh and cry – back and forth. It’s an emotional roller coaster. What incredible stories you have to tell. I thought a lot today about family trees and genealogical research as I read what you wrote. I hope you find a way to ensure that your children and grandchildren will know the greatness of their heritage – even if you believe the stories are mundane. It is so important for them to know how they are connected to the past.
It’s been a great birthday. Lots of love from friends and family. My sister’s fifth grade class sang “Happy Birthday” to me and she sent me the video. How fun is that?
And Max always gives me flowers … and chocolate. What a fun picture of Grey doing the Meerkat pose while sniffing the flowers.
I didn’t get much sleep last night, so tonight will be early. You have one more day to tell me about your grandparents and be entered to win an Amazon gift card – or maybe even the Kindle Fire!
Did you know that today is also the fiftieth anniversary of Star Trek? How crazy is that? I know, I know. It isn’t Star Wars … but it’s just as awesome! I ordered some Star Trek postage stamps this week. Did you also know that Riverside, Iowa (only 45 minutes from my hometown) is the future birthplace of Captain James T. Kirk? Oh yeah, baby. Iowa is pretty cool.
Don’t forget – Wine & Trivia Night is next Friday night. Are you ready? I’m not … not yet! Haha.
And then, September 25 – publication date! Whee!