Home of the Bellingwood Series – Nammynools

Grumpy Diane

I got the kitties a new resting place. TB loved crawling inside.
I got the kitties a new resting place. TB loved crawling inside.

Did anyone else have a ‘meh’ day today? I’ll blame mine on the approaching full moon.

I was up much too late last night. For me, that means five in the morning. You know … when the rest of the world is working on getting out of bed. I hadn’t planned on being up that late, but that old full moon had me restless and I finally had to kick the cats out of bed so I could cool off and relax. I slept until noon.

When I got up, I encountered an annoying problem with a customer service representative and then my ding-donged ironing board collapsed after I put my had on it. Yeah, I had put enough pressure on it that when it collapsed under me, it knocked me off balance. Fortunately, I remained upright. However, Grey jumped up on the board and rode it the rest of the way down, scrabbling and freaked out the entire way.

A weld on the bracket snapped. Not an easy fix, though I will attempt to deal with it. But, grrrr … when I sew (my sanity), I iron a lot.

And then, still with the annoying customer service issue. By this point, I was tired of ‘stuff’. It just shouldn’t be that hard.

I. Was. Grumpy.

I don’t like me when I’m grumpy. Pretty sure none of the cats really like my behavior either. I ignore them. Doesn’t seem fair, does it!

The best way for me to get past my grumpiness is to write it out. All of a sudden, my annoyances are right there in black and white for me to see them as they are – petty and little. No longer do I give those thoughts control of my mind. They don’t have the power to fester and grow into something bigger than they are.

Writing is such a good therapy for me when I’m being ridiculous. Thoughts tend to take over when they remain in the darkness of our minds. Those thoughts explode and become bigger than they are in truth.

My manner of dealing with them comes out in the words I write.

Okay – and sometimes a little shopping does the trick. Wait, then there’s chocolate. And caffeine. And kitty-cat hugs. Apparently, it doesn’t take much to jumpstart my un-grumpy personality.

What is it that you do?


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