Home of the Bellingwood Series – Nammynools

FREE Book and Catching Up

Book 1-3 Box Set a 100 dpiFirst up, the Bellingwood Boxed Set: Books 1-3 for Kindle is FREE until Sunday, July 5. Polly moves into Bellingwood and the roller coaster begins. It’s hard to believe that so much has happened to her since those early days when she was just getting to know her new home, but ten books later, these people are part of our family.

They certainly are part of mine. I dream and think about them when I’m not writing them. They’re good people to know.

These last two weeks have been crazy-insane for me. It all started on that fateful Friday night when I drank too much wine and played with everybody on the Bellingwood Facebook page. From that moment on, I didn’t stop moving. Final edits for Book 10, publication craziness and then a fun trip to Omaha to see my nephew’s brand new baby (born on the day I actually published Book 10). I got to spend time with that new little boy while I was waiting for my niece’s wedding to begin. So much family fun in one day!

On Sunday, I spent time with friends and then drove myself back to the cabin and collapsed. I gave myself two days off and did nothing but sew and watch Star Trek: Voyager. It was glorious. While I was in Omaha, I made my way (with great trepidation) into my old craft room to see what I had in the way of sewing stuff. I pretty much quit crafting and sewing a couple of years into my marriage (mid 1990s). So many other things were going on, I just didn’t have time. Well, lookie there! I brought three large totes filled with fabric, pillow forms, and notions back with me and had a great time digging through them and finding treasures. What fun!

Sleepy kittyMy poor cat was awfully glad to see me. I’d left him here alone while I was playing with friends and family and I’m pretty sure he didn’t sleep. He loves to play outside, but after a quick run to make sure everything was where it belonged, he came back in and settled down beside me for the next three days. Today was the first day he’s acted like my normal TB.

As of July 1, I’m back on the 1000 words / day regimen. No matter how tired I am or what I’ve got going on, I will write (at the very least) one thousand words. Even if I have no idea what is supposed to happen in a chapter, I will write. Because it always comes. The characters rarely stop talking.

Book 11 is underway. I’ve introduced a ton of new characters and at least two will become part of the fabric of Bellingwood. Polly has found the dead body and she’s opening Sycamore House to someone who needs a place to come back to life. As I wrote last night, I discovered she is starting to think about the next adventure in restoration. (Seriously girl, you have to take a breath!) It’s a good thing she found Henry. He’s the only man I know with the patience to put up with her shenanigans.

Here we are at a holiday weekend. It’s a beautiful day in Iowa, the cat is outside enjoying the sunshine, I have no pressing issues, my mind is filled with ideas and I’ve had at least one jolt of caffeine.

TB just came in and nudged my leg to tell me that he’s still around and thinking about me. It’s time to hug him.

I hope you all have safe and happy Independence Day celebrations.


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