It’s another Friday and time for you to share your talent!
Reply in the comments on the Bellingwood Facebook page with a picture of something that you have been working on … no matter the media. Gardening, painting, crochet, knitting, sewing, beadwork, illustration, quilting, needlework, floral work, pottery, glass work … really, there’s no limit to what you can share here.
I look forward to seeing what you are doing … and if you posted something last week, go for it again!
Tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon, I will randomly choose one person who will win a signed copy of Rebecca B’s children’s book “Little Dorothy Isn’t.” I love this story about a little girl who can only see what she doesn’t have rather than what she does have.
I’m having fun sketching … I’m having even more fun sewing, though. My addiction to fabric has returned in full force. I keep telling myself that the only way to stay ahead of the piles that could accrue.
Share your creativity!