Happy New Year!
Hey, we’re only twelve days in. I can still say those words, right? Of course I can. I could get all cocky and tell you that this is my website and I can write what I want, but that would be silly. I’m not that cocky. But then there’s the great night’s sleep I had, the immense mug of coffee that is racing through my system and … well, I might also be avoiding a small editing project. So … anything could come out of my fingers at this point.
I’ve discovered that I miss you all. I don’t want to complain about what Facebook has done with its algorithms, so I’ll just say that I miss hanging out with you on the Bellingwood FB page. Part of the reason I have so much fun writing my stories is because it gives me an opportunity to connect with people I would never have met otherwise … you.
In order to make sure that we stay connected, I’m going to add another layer … with bonuses. It’s time for me to get on board with email newsletters. I will send a newsletter out once a month with some of my favorite moments from interactions on Facebook, web posts, an update on projects I have swirling around, and other exciting things from the world of Bellingwood.
That means I need something from you … you need to go through the email sign up process.
At the top of the front page of this blog post is a sign up form. Fill it out and wait for the MailChimp monkey to send a confirmation into your email, click on it and you will be added to the list.
I promise not to overwhelm your inbox. You have to know that I have fought myself over doing this because I hate getting on a list that explodes on me out of the blue. But, if it becomes too much, the unsubscribe option is easy. You control your inbox.
I also promise not to do anything weird with your email, like sell it or give it away. You mean the world to me. I am grateful for your support and love.
The first email will come out around the 25th of January. I’m working on a special short-short (very short and in case you wondered how short – let’s just say – really, really short. Is it going to be a short story, Diane? Oh, it will be short.) Bellingwood story for everyone who signs up.
Whaddya know! This is going to be fun! Sign up today. And I’m about to pour another cup of coffee. Whee!